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logoMessage addressed to children, politicians of the future

“The Earth is not ours, it belongs to the descendants of the Tribe.

We look ahead and, while smoking the calumet of peace,

the Council of Wise men makes decisions that will benefit

up to seven coming generations.

Our rule is to only take from nature what we really need.”

An Iroquois Chieftain

The Foundation “Science for Peace.Eu” ( is chaired by Prof. Ezio Zucconi Mazzini, a physician, psychiatrist, psychotherapist and researcher at international level. Prof. Zucconi Mazzini graduated in Medicine with honors from the Università La Sapienza in Rome and then specialized in Psychiatry at the Università Cattolica in Rome. He has introduced the Bioenergetic Analysis in Italy and together with Alexander Lowen (the Father of Bioenergetic), he founded the SMIAB (, a training School of Psychotherapy recognized by the Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Research.

Many specialists like doctors, immunologists, psychiatrists, psychotherapists, psychologists, environmentalists, botanists, sociologists and philosophers come from Europe and the USA both to our Foundation and at our School. We are associated to the IIBA (International Institute of Bioenergetic Analysis) and the ISSPD (International Society for the Study of Personality Disorder), and we are qualified to deliver scientific research. Our aim is to promote the health of the immunity system and the individual and collective well being in order to reach a long-lasting peace and hope for living a real bio-psyco-social health.

The Foundation, which is a no profit organization and it is not politically oriented, pursues exclusively scientific research purposes to support the resilience of biological systems and social solidarity.

The moral principle of doing good and avoiding harming others provides individual and collective well being, because the others constitute our "neighbor" who is the emotional bearer of dignity and universal human rights of equality and solidarity. Highlighting the intangibility of each human being, every moral requires absolutely equal treatment: one cannot protect a person without protecting, in equal measure, all his fellow men (just as one cannot protect a child without protecting all other children).

With our own words, we want to say that we must not find normal the ignominies that happen every day; we must not get used to chaos and violence, even if they happen far from us, because our neighbor is everywhere; we must not lock ourselves up in indifference, in the little certainties of our comfortable homes, lives and selfishness; we must not get tired and demoralized but instead we must continue to be scandalized and fight, because, in these difficult times in which the world seems dominated by inequalities, injustices and violence of all kinds, to solve many of the problems that seem insoluble, it would be enough to live according to the universal norm of the famous Manifesto written by Bertrand Russell and Albert Einstein which says "We appeal, as human beings, to other human beings: remember your humanity and forget the rest", because "after all, there is only one race: humanity".