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Message addressed to children, politicians of the future
“The Earth is not ours, it belongs to the descendants of the Tribe.
We look ahead and, while smoking the calumet of peace,
the Council of Wise men makes decisions that will benefit
up to seven coming generations.
Our rule is to only take from nature what we really need.”
An Iroquois Chieftain

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Scientific Model

The fundamental points of our mission are:
1. The “Science for Peace.Eu" Foundation is a scientific model based on maieutics, and, for this reason, open to all creative and supportive energies that fight against the disease of power in order to change all together the amorality - based on opportunism and indifference - into a truly physiological, collective Moral Self extended to all humanity. Our scientific research aims to identify the tools and formulate projects to achieve true and lasting peace in the world and improve relations between peoples and continents.
We aim to promote global thinking and scientific research to develop a resilient, optimistic and confident vision of the world and biological life both in the present and in the future of new generations which make the genetic heritage of humanity immortal and fight the Moral Insanity of political power that has always legislated on biological nature by dehumanizing people's lives.

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The Project

2. The "Science for Peace.Eu" Foundation aims to implement a great project that engages everyone in constant work. Our intention is to prepare young people in supporting the richness of diversity among men and the biodiversity of the planet, and facing with altruism and optimism the great social issues of our time which are anthropocentrism, moral disengagement, selfishness, indifference, and above all, fighting against the four horsemen of the Apocalypse of the globalized world:
• Pandemics for which we are now also carrying out a very up-to-date research on the linkage between Global Warming, pollution and the Covid-19 pandemic.
• Poverty that every year kills a fifth of the world's population through hunger and that generates migration and wars.
• Racism which is the tragic prejudice of power and opposes the evolution of the human species, bringing with it inhumanity that is both a violation of civil rights and a lack of generosity and empathy of man towards his fellow man.
• Corruption, the current pandemic of moral and civil disintegration, which in the name of the "god of money", generates social conflicts and wars.

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People's health

The “Science for Peace.Eu” Foundation aims to take care of people's health which is our immune system (the "vis medicatrix naturae" for Hippocrates) but also of Gaia's health recovering the harmony between Man and Nature through the study of the physiology of both, which are very similar to each other, and the commitment against Global Warming. Despite the serious global crises, our Foundation has an optimistic viewpoint, because day after day we study the resilience of the physical and moral immune system, as the main resource capable of forging eco-sustainable lifestyles. Our intent is to guide billions of people towards social justice, friendship, solidarity through the awareness of their biological and immune potential.
It is therefore necessary to study the meanings of life through the lenses of the immune system, whose essential functions are evolution and survival, to achieve a balance in the continuous search for homeostasis and bio-psycho-social health as also the World Health Organization argues.
Our optimism is not a utopian philosophical vision but it is based on an Italian scientific research - unique in the world – which regards the Tau't Bato, a tribe in the Philippines, which consists of several hundred of human beings not contaminated by our civilization who do not know violence, nor the power, but welcomes the stranger as a friend and has, in the name of the common good, an equitable distribution of the necessary resources.


An Italian scientific research - unique in the world – which regards the Tau't Bato, a tribe in the Philippines, which consists of several hundred of human beings not contaminated by our civilization who do not know violence, nor the power, but welcomes the stranger as a friend and has, in the name of the common good, an equitable distribution of the necessary resources

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Global thought

3. The “Science for Peace.Eu” Foundation also follows the Global thought (which is the inseparable intertwining between the individual, social and biological sphere) and the universal identity which is the sharing of human beings with all other living species, including Mother Earth, to achieve the best quality of life because we are all part of a greater biological balance.

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4. Our Foundation aims to promote education and to activate training courses on all bio-psycho-social sectors (WHO) to study the state of health of the biosphere, ecosystems, various habitats and the Biodiversity with its variety of living beings that populate the Earth, measuring genes, species, populations. Life depends on the biodiversity of plants, animals, humus and the human microbiota. Biodiversity therefore guarantees the richness and health of life on Earth and, for this reason, it is our specific duty to protect it, preserving the environment and its potential. What we do now will determine the future of human civilization. The loss of biodiversity constitutes one of the greatest emergencies with an estimated total cost of 10% of world GDP, in addition to a very high cost in human lives.

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Stimulate the international scientific community

5. Our Foundation also aims to stimulate the international scientific community to engage in information, prevention and treatment of the most important disease, that is, the acquired immunodeficiency of the immune system, in order to achieve environmentally sustainable results in safeguarding the global health. Survival as individuals and as a species depends on the collaboration of the immune system with microbiota and on the immune system being at peace with Mother Nature. We aim to study in depth the connection between the body of Gaia and the human one because all the biological functions of Gaia are the same as those of the human body.

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World Green Gaia’s University

For the serious traveller, Traveller Magazine is a mine of information, keeping you up-to-date with the latest trends in travel and tourism.

Our Foundation, starting from the study of the intoxication of the biosphere, the cause of all planetary emergencies, has conceived and established the "World Green Gaia's University", which in partnership with other university faculties, proposes to focus on biopsychosocial and environmental well-being for a sustainable biological and human ecology. By human ecology we mean the field of research for solutions to problems that arise as a result of the confrontation and interaction between man (and / or human societies) and the environment...

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Peace Education Courses

This nourishing lotion is clinically proven to improve the health of dry skin in 1 day with significant improvement in 2 weeks.

Educate the new generations in human physiology and the health of our immune system together with the physiology and pathology of the climate and anthropogenic causes of Global Warming. Only by protecting the indissoluble links between health and the environment can we ensure the future of Gaia and future generations...

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Our research
Biodiversity and Echopsycology

• Biodiversity
• The tree of life
Silent killers: pathophysiology of climate change
Pesticides, damage to the immune system and ecological intelligence

• The pathology of fine particles (Nanopathology)

Our research
Gaia: living planet and mother-environment

• The legend of Gaia
• Gaia: a living organism
• Hybris, environment and pandemics
• Plant Blindness
• The intoxication of Gaia: a global pandemic

Our research
Is the Earth really a common good? Can we save our Planet?

• Crimes against the environment
• Society against Nature
• Market economy or economy of Nature
• Growth without limits and "planetary boundaries"
• Towards an ecological democracy

Our Research
We can save our Planet

• The secret of sustainability and the impact of the animal industry on our Planet
• Ecological transition
• Recovery Fund for a Green New Deal

Our research
The pandemic Science

• Science
• Dysbiosis and immunity
• Pandemic Inflammation
• The pandemic science: viruses and biological evolutionary mechanisms of the next-generation vaccines
• Anthropic Causes of Global Warming and its Linkage with Pandemic
• The Nuclear Fusion

Our research
The Global Thinking

• The Global Thinking
• The Anthropocene of Hatred
• What is hate
• Neuroscience of hatred
Gaia's medicine of future

our research
Recovery of the immune memory stress, caused by Anthropocene

The two pandemics

• The mother of two anthropocenic emergencies (Global Warming and disbiotic pandemic), is always pregnant

Our research
Project “Humus, as world heritage”

Finally our Foundation and our project are based on a global scientific knowledge, which is free from dogmas, prejudice, ideologies and political opinions. Every global scientific discovery must be validated and confirmed by all universities in the world.
This is the only way for scientists to make a small step, which is a leap forward for all humanity.
For these reasons we ask you to help and support us because all planetary emergencies need global scientific researches, in order to leave future generations with an increasingly healthy and happy biological heritage.
So, “let's move forward together", because if not now, when?

tree of life, silent killers, echopsycology
biophilia, plant blindness, intoxication of Gaia
Anthropocene and ecological awareness
sustainability and green new deal
science and immunity
the Anthropocene of hatred
anthropocentric emergencies
world heritage
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Tau't Batoo
Tau’t Batoo
An Italian scientific research - unique in the world – which regards the Tau't Bato, a tribe in the Philippines, which consists of several hundred of human beings not contaminated by our civilization who do not know violence, nor the power, but welcomes the stranger as a friend and has, in the name of the common good, an equitable distribution of the necessary resources
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