The “Science for Peace.Eu” Foundation aims to take care of people's health which is our immune system (the "vis medicatrix naturae" for Hippocrates) but also of Gaia's health recovering the harmony between Man and Nature through the study of the physiology of both, which are very similar to each other, and the commitment against Global Warming. Despite the serious global crises, our Foundation has an optimistic viewpoint, because day after day we study the resilience of the physical and moral immune system, as the main resource capable of forging eco-sustainable lifestyles. Our intent is to guide billions of people towards social justice, friendship, solidarity through the awareness of their biological and immune potential.
It is therefore necessary to study the meanings of life through the lenses of the immune system, whose essential functions are evolution and survival, to achieve a balance in the continuous search for homeostasis and bio-psycho-social health as also the World Health Organization argues.
Our optimism is not a utopian philosophical vision but it is based on an Italian scientific research - unique in the world – which regards the Tau't Bato, a tribe in the Philippines, which consists of several hundred of human beings not contaminated by our civilization who do not know violence, nor the power, but welcomes the stranger as a friend and has, in the name of the common good, an equitable distribution of the necessary resources.