Being together for science and peace is the beginning,
Getting together for science and peace is a progress
Working together for science and peace is a success.
Science for Peace
As its own symbol and flag, our Foundation choose this sculpture, that represent disarm and therefore world peace. It is located at the entry square of the headquarters of the United Nations, which, as we all know, is the international Organization that aims at solving conflicts among Nations with diplomatic means.
“Peace” is the most used and overworked world because it recalls humanity’s dream and highest inspiration.
We are trying to build a possible world in which all nations and communities recognize both the futility of war and the collective responsibility of all countries to ensure their citizens a future of respect and solidarity.
In our research on distributive peace and justice we have discovered that almost two thirds of the world population are hungry, live in severe discomfort conditions and have never been visited by a doctor.
The poverty of the planet is the result of centuries of underdevelopment and exploitation to gain access to resources.
We therefore need to stop this economic model which is ending the resources of our planet and polluting it with toxic emissions. We should not forget that the Earth is not dead but alive.
There are over 600 million hectares of cultivable land and we only cultivate 170 million hectares: even deserts could be irrigated to produce food. In spite of being a a private property belonging to 1% of the rich, the Earth is a Land that God has given to all of us and we should use it to live in an economy of equality. As Native American poem states: “We do not inherit the Earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children. It is our duty to give it back to them”.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), air is polluted in 90% of the planet and it would be necessary that people make their voices heard by governments.
The project “Science for Peace.Eu” aims at fighting the most inhumane calamities (poverty and the fear of war) and rediscovering moral and humanitarian strength, a minimum common denominator that really belongs to different cultures and ethnicities and that can be considered to be a collective world heritage, a real transfusion of the Moral Self to come to love peace.
We need to be committed to moral progress at scientific level (Science for Peace.Eu) because humanity has to live in this Planet, a single home that is a multi-ethnic and multicultural condominium where people are always fighting for power.
If it is true that each child is born with three fundamental rights – the right to life, the right to the expression of one’s personality and the right to freedom – we All need to work to protect these rights and to implement and safeguard universal human freedoms. These are at least 6 fundamental rights:
- Freedom from violence
- Freedom from need
- Freedom from exploitation
- Freedom from diseases
- Freedom from hunger
- Freedom from fear because it is difficult to live in an healthy way in an unhealthy world;including freedom from fear against the globalization of fear itself, abused for opportunistic reasons.
We must be able to find the courage to act overall, because it is difficult to live healthy in a sick world, where the disease isn’t perceived as a consequence of the addiction (mithridatism).
Ultimately this means freedom from the globalization of the fear used for opportunistic reasons.
As Sophocles wrote: “we can’t really know the human nature and character of a person if first we don’t see how he manages power”.
Each child that is born on Planet Earth finds him/herself being successor of a culture and a history that do not honor being called human being, but more likely he/she is victim of grave economic, ecological, political, social and moral crisis that will force him/her to survive and not to live happily.
The hope of “Science for Peace.Eu” is that millions of willing people, realizing that “in the middle of the road of their life they found themselves in a dark forest, because they’d lost the straight path” (Dante Alighieri, La Divina Commedia), find a guiding star that helps them finding peace and the straight path which actually is made of dialogue, dignity, peace and Moral Self.
Often non-negotiable human rights are sacrificed with impunity on the altar of the globalization of markets that impedes the full development of the human person - reducing him to a commodity - and allows environmental crimes that rape the planet, threatening the climate, the biodiversity and the future of everyone.
The mission of our Foundation “Science for Peace.Eu” - which is a non-profit organization and has no political color - is to improve the future of humanity following these universal principles:
- Hope
- Respect
- Development
- Dignity
- Equality
- Justice
- Right to existence, right to evolution and survival, that are also the main functions of immune system.
Our mission has been inspired by two phrases: the one by Olaf Palme (Swedish social-democratic politician, assassinated in 1986) who said: “The rights of democracy are not reserved for a select group within society, they are the rights of all the people”; and the other one by Martin Luther King who said: “Every man must decide whether he will walk in the light of creative altruism or in the darkness of destructive selfishness… and this is the most difficult decision to make”.
Our Foundation “Science for Peace.Eu” has already made its own decision.